Critique of Modern ARPGs by Blizzard's David Brevik

Critique of Modern ARPGs by Blizzard's David Brevik

David Brevik, a key figure behind the Diablo franchise, shares his concerns about the current trends in action RPGs, emphasizing the value of gameplay experience over rapid progression.

As expressed in an interview with VideoGamer, David Brevik, the co-founder of Blizzard and designer of Diablo, has raised concerns regarding the modern landscape of action RPGs. He points out that excessive enemies and loot in contemporary titles detract from the sense of challenge that characterized the early Diablo games.

Key Quotes

“I think that ARPGs in general have started to lean into this: kill swaths of enemies all over the place extremely quickly.”
Translation: Brevik believes that current ARPGs prioritize speed over strategic gameplay, resulting in a less fulfilling experience.

Moreover, Brevik highlights how earlier games like Diablo 2 maintained a more intimate and realistic approach regarding the number of adversaries onscreen, praising its pacing.

“The pacing on Diablo 2, I think, is great. That’s one of the reasons it’s endured.”
Translation: Brevik credits Diablo 2’s pacing as a key factor in its lasting popularity.

Brevik laments the pressure on players of newer ARPGs like Path of Exile to rush to the endgame, arguing that the essence of the genre lies in enjoying the journey.

Furthermore, he criticizes the trend of incentivizing players to speedily level up, stating, “When you’re shortening that journey and making it kind of ridiculous, you’ve cheapened the entire experience, in my opinion.”

This perspective resonates with gamers who prefer a slower, more narrative-driven approach to RPGs, reminiscent of the classics like Diablo and similar single-player experiences.

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