Take-Two CEO Highlights Importance of PC Gaming for Future Releases
Gaming Industry/News

Take-Two CEO Highlights Importance of PC Gaming for Future Releases

Take-Two Interactive's CEO emphasizes the growing significance of PC gaming in the industry's landscape, while casting doubt on the imminent release of Grand Theft Auto 6 for PC.

Take-Two Interactive’s CEO, Strauss Zelnick, stated in a recent interview with IGN that PC gaming has gained significant importance compared to the past, contributing notably to sales across various platforms. Despite this shift, he remains ambiguous about the timing of a PC version of Grand Theft Auto 6 being released.

“We have seen PC become a much more and more important part of what used to be a console business, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see that trend continue,” Zelnick remarked.

He emphasized that while games like Civilization 7 are available across multiple platforms simultaneously, past releases have seen delays between console and PC versions. Zelnick noted that Take-Two has historically chosen to start with some platforms before transitioning to others, allowing them to maximize revenue.

The takeaway? While the PC market is growing, don’t hold your breath for a quick GTA 6 debut on PC; there may be more waiting ahead.

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