Civilization 7 Set to Launch in VR for Meta Quest 3

Civilization 7 Set to Launch in VR for Meta Quest 3

Civilization 7 will be available in VR on Meta Quest 3, bringing a unique gaming experience with life-size historical figures.

Sid Meier’s Civilization 7 is making its way to the Meta Quest 3 virtual reality platform, allowing players to engage with historical figures in an immersive environment.

The VR version promises a transformative experience as players strategize around a command table, receiving ’life-size’ presentations from figures like Benjamin Franklin and Cleopatra. This approach blends elements of board gaming with traditional gameplay.

A quote from the store page suggests, “Enjoy Civilization from a unique perspective, whether you’re peering down from high above the map or leaning all the way in to appreciate the finer details of every building and unit,” highlighting the intricately detailed models players can interact with in VR.

Civilization 7 currently holds a rating of 76% from PC Gamer, its lowest for a title in the series, largely due to transparency issues with the user interface and gameplay mechanics feeling underwhelming.

Players who have accessed the game early report mixed reviews, prompting discussions on how to improve the title ahead of its broader release in Spring 2025.

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