Upcoming Game Humanity 2.0 - A Sequel to Duskers

Upcoming Game Humanity 2.0 - A Sequel to Duskers

The spiritual successor to Duskers, Humanity 2.0, brings new mechanics and gameplay elements, including ship customization and drone personality traits.

Humanity 2.0 is the anticipated follow-up to the game Duskers. This new title will allow players to manage drones with unique personalities while also customizing derelict ships. Tim Keenan from Misfits Attic, the studio behind Duskers, shared insights on the game, explaining how it retains elements of the original while introducing innovative mechanics that enhance gameplay.

Keenan remarked, “For a while now, we’ve been heads-down exploring three new titles, and we finally have some playables.” Humanity 2.0 includes ship-building features where players can carve ships for resources and defend against pirate attacks.

The game emphasizes interaction, as players have to manage drones that may develop personality quirks, such as preferring to avoid tight spaces. Tim elaborated that this followed the same captivating art style of Duskers but expanded the gameplay experience.

Stay updated on the development of Humanity 2.0, a suitable successor to the unique indie gaming experience that Duskers offered. Watch the insights shared by Tim here!

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