Today’s Wordle Solution for January 20 (1311)
If you’re looking for today’s Wordle answer and some tips to help you on your puzzle journey, you’ve come to the right place! The solution for January 20 is SQUID.
Wordle Hint
To make your puzzle-solving experience better, note this hint: This edible cephalopod can be recognized by its distinctive tentacles and various sizes, some of which could be considered legendary sea monsters.
Game Strategy
When approaching Wordle, consider these strategies:
- Start with a word that contains common vowels and consonants.
- Understand that the answer might repeat letters.
- Avoid using previously eliminated letters in your guesses.
Previous Answers
To refine your guessing strategy, here are some of the recent Wordle answers:
- January 19: ROWER
- January 18: SILLY
- January 17: PROSE
- January 16: FLINT
- January 15: KNACK
Feel free to check our Wordle tips for additional advice and strategies on playing effectively!