The Witcher Series Welcomes Game Character Roderick de Wett
Gaming/Movies & TV

The Witcher Series Welcomes Game Character Roderick de Wett

An unexpected addition to Netflix's The Witcher series, Roderick de Wett, is set to appear as an exclusive game character.

We haven’t spoken much about The Witcher series on Netflix lately, and I believe the enthusiasm has somewhat diminished. Yet, there’s intriguing news: According to the fan site Redanian Intelligence, actor Jack Myers has been cast as Roderick de Wett, a character originating from the Witcher video game series.

“Who on earth is Roderick de Wett?”

Fair question — he’s not the most recognized character in the Witcher universe. However, he will be the first game-specific character to join the Netflix series, which is primarily based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s original novels rather than the games developed by CD Projekt.

While there’s a suggested connection to the books, as he shares a name with Nilfgaardian royal Joachim de Wett, it’s important to note that Roderick’s character is entirely from the game lore.

His storyline concluded in the original Witcher RPG when he attempted to challenge power but met a fatal end, leaving players with no sympathy for him.

The portrayal of de Wett on Netflix might differ significantly from his video game version. Given the depicted timeline, it seems unlikely he would partake in the notorious deeds encountered in the games.

We’re yet to discover when we can see de Wett’s character unfold in the series. The Witcher season 4 is expected to premiere sometime in 2025, but the specific date remains undisclosed.

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