New Dungeon Crawler 'Cralon' by Former Piranha Bytes Team Evokes Nostalgia

New Dungeon Crawler 'Cralon' by Former Piranha Bytes Team Evokes Nostalgia

A look at 'Cralon', a new indie game by ex-Piranha Bytes veterans, promising an engaging mix of RPG and dungeon crawling elements.

Cralon is a game focused on a character who tumbles into a mine and bravely ventures deeper.

Back in July 2024, former Piranha Bytes creative director Björn Pankratz and his wife, game designer Jennifer Pankratz, established Pithead Studio. They expressed their desire to “keep doing what we love.”

Game Overview

Cralon is described as “an authentic 3D dungeon crawler with RPG and adventure elements” focused on a demon hunter who must navigate the depths of an ancient mine.

According to the announcement trailer, the game draws inspiration from classics like Arx Fatalis and Ultima Underworld. Although the project is still in its infancy, fans of the genre are eagerly anticipating further developments.

Cralon is currently available for wishlisting on Steam and Epic Games Store. Watch the announcement trailer here.

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