World of Warcraft's Announced Expansions Help Developers Focus on Quality

World of Warcraft's Announced Expansions Help Developers Focus on Quality

Blizzard's latest announcements about three expansions are giving WoW developers the time and space to improve game quality.

WoW’s Latest Developments

World of Warcraft recently made headlines with the announcement of three upcoming expansions, a move that contrasts with typical games that tend to release each expansion one at a time. This bold decision allows the development team to focus more effectively, rather than being in constant rush. Ion Hazzikostas shared, “A patch like Undermined—and being able to spend time building up exposition and a sense of world, exploring side stories—is something that is only possible because of the large narrative structure of the Worldsoul Saga.”

Maria Hamilton added, “The team is really energized and excited, because we can seed things very early now and pay them off later in a way that is a lot harder to do when expansions aren’t connected in this way… We can take the time to do something like this.”
Translation: The team feels more enthusiastic and can manage their tasks better with this new approach.

The developers of WoW have shifted their focus; they’re now more attentive to quality of life features and longer-term game mechanics, which enrich the gaming experience for players.

This change marks a significant evolution in how MMORPGs can be developed, particularly highlighting that careful planning and narrative development can lead to rewarding gameplay.

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