Minecraft Movie Villagers Resemble a Dreadful Vision
Gaming/Movies & TV

Minecraft Movie Villagers Resemble a Dreadful Vision

A critique of the recently revealed villagers from the upcoming Minecraft movie, highlighting their unsettling appearance.

Just put me out of my misery.

Woof. This is what the villagers in A Minecraft Movie look like, in case you still had any hope left for this one. I’rm comfortable saying it’s one of the worst still images from a film I’ve ever seen—much more upsetting than the pre-delay Sonic face.

There does not exist a suitable crime in California’s penal code to hold Warner Bros accountable for what it’s doing with the Minecraft movie, so let’s just call it sightcrime. I’m unhappy that a videogame film that should be a slam dunk on the scale of Sonic or Mario is showing all the charm of a moldy potato.

The pair of villagers appear three seconds into the latest Minecraft movie trailer. The whole film interprets Minecraft’s blocky, flat-texture world into hyperrealistic meat monsters (featuring actual humans on a green screen, for some reason).

For comparison, here’s what villagers usually look like in Minecraft:

Actual Minecraft villagers are ugly in an endearing, Squidward-esque “leave me alone, I’m farming” sorta way. They’re curmudgeons who will begrudgingly trade 18 emeralds for a slice of watermelon, hoping you accept their awful deal. They would never ask for a hug but wouldn’t pull away from one immediately.

Anyways, perhaps the kids will enjoy it. Did you know this film releases on April 4? God help us all.

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