Updated File Size for Donkey Kong Country Returns HD on Switch
Discover the new file size requirements for the Nintendo Switch version of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, set to release soon.
- The file size of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is now set at 8.3 GB.
- The game is scheduled for release on January 16 for the Nintendo Switch, featuring upgraded graphics while retaining its classic gameplay.
Players can now prepare for the upcoming release of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD and note that they will need approximately 8.3 GB of free space on their consoles. This version is slightly smaller than the original, which was around 9GB, and it includes content from both the Wii and enhanced levels from the 3DS release.
Originally launched as a flagship title for the Super Nintendo, Donkey Kong Country has entertained fans across multiple generations, known for its innovative level designs, beloved characters, and catchy soundtracks. Despite the absence of a new main installment for over a decade, the series remains popular and continues to captivate players with remastered versions.