Super Bowl 2025 Simulation by PC Gamer Foresees Eagles Triumph Amidst Physics Mishaps

Super Bowl 2025 Simulation by PC Gamer Foresees Eagles Triumph Amidst Physics Mishaps

A detailed simulation by PC Gamer predicts the Eagles winning against the Chiefs in Super Bowl 2025, with amusing physics-based outcomes.

Welcome to the annual PC Gamer simulation of the Super Bowl! This year, I utilized the physics-driven Football Simulator to predict the outcome of this Sunday’s game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles.

I applied enhanced physics settings for better accuracy.

Simulation Highlights

The simulated Super Bowl encountered multiple delays:

  • A slight delay was noted when the fake team names were assigned due to uniform color similarities.
  • The game started, but players were launched into the sidelines, causing chaotic events.

Each time a collision occurred, players flew out of bounds, making it amusing but challenging for scoring.

Throughout the first quarter, the score remained 0-0, with a player ejected due to a collision.

Current Status:

  • Following various delays and two simulation crashes, the final score concluded with the Eagles at 28 and the Chiefs at 21, mirroring a dynamic display of physics and gameplay.

For more details on the game, please refer to Football Simulator, currently in early access with impressive physics features.

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