In response to the ongoing issue of graphics card scalping, particularly concerning the Nvidia RTX 5090, eBay users have devised new tactics to outsmart bots. Many individuals are posting fake listings featuring pictures of the RTX 5090, priced at approximately $2000, to trick scalping bots into purchasing non-existent items.
This clever approach aims to combat the influx of scalpers who buy up graphics cards during their launches only to resell them at inflated prices. Many listings contain disclaimers indicating that buyers will receive a digital photo of the card via email, rather than the actual product.
One humorous listing example states: “the photo dimensions are 8 inches by 8 inches, I got the frame from Target. DO NOT BUY IF YOU’RE A HUMAN.”
While these tactics may seem annoying to scalpers, some listings have managed to sell, showcasing the effectiveness of these clever strategies in hindering the scalper market.