Asus Addresses Concerns Over PCIe Slot Wear with Assurance of Functionality
Asus has responded to claims of wear on graphics card contact pins caused by its quick-release PCIe slot, asserting that no damage affecting functionality has been observed.
Following a recent report regarding excessive wear on graphics cards’ contact pins, suggested to result from an Asus motherboard’s quick-release PCIe slot, Asus has issued a statement addressing these claims. The company asserts that substantial damage is unlikely to arise from using their products.
The complication arose when a PC builder reported that the PCIe Q-Release Slim slot on certain Asus motherboards was causing notable wear to the GPU contact pins. Asus conducted internal tests and found that the functionality of the motherboard and graphics card remained unaffected despite visible wear signs occurring with extensive usage.
Here’s a key excerpt from Asus’ statement:
“In our internal testing and evaluation of the extremely small number of cases reported, we found no damage to the motherboard or graphics card that would affect functionality and or performance. However, it is important to emphasize that any type of PCIe add-in card will exhibit signs of usage and wear marking after 60 continuous insertions and removals.”
The statement concludes by noting that Asus will take responsibility for any specific issues related to the quick-release feature, emphasizing the importance of following manufacturer guidelines during installation and removal.