Skumnut recently achieved the impossible by beating Elden Ring without taking any hits at a staggering NG+1000 level, which is not officially possible in the game.
This feat has raised eyebrows in the gaming community, with Skumnut stating that his run is “the first in the world and probably the last.”
The game’s difficulty was heightened by utilizing a modified version that removed the normal NG+ cap, allowing for more than 500,000 HP on every boss—making them significantly tougher to defeat. For comparison, the final boss in a regular run, the Elden Beast, holds 22,127 HP.
To beat this daunting challenge, Skumnut underwent 115 attempts over a period of just three weeks, employing clever strategies like using the Black Flame Tornado ability to deal percentage-based damage to enemies.
“That’s why they call me the Elden Ring sicko,” he tweeted, sharing the final moments of his historic run. This extraordinary achievement has ignited renewed interest and admiration for the skill within the Elden Ring community.