Windows Task Manager to Receive Long-Awaited Accuracy Fix
Operating Systems/Software

Windows Task Manager to Receive Long-Awaited Accuracy Fix

A long-standing issue affecting CPU utilization readings in Windows Task Manager is set to be addressed in the upcoming update.

With the upcoming Windows Release Preview, Microsoft plans to resolve an issue that’s bothered users for years: the CPU utilization statistics shown in Task Manager have often been inaccurate. This change was previewed in the Windows 11 Insider Preview Build earlier this year and is now making its way to the Release Preview channel.

Historically, Task Manager calculated CPU usage based on the CPU’s base clock speed, neglecting the higher effective speeds that occurred during load. A community discussion from 2020 highlighted this flaw in the calculations.

Recent usage tests confirmed that Task Manager’s readings can be significantly misleading, leading to misinterpretation during intensive tasks.

“We are changing the way Task Manager calculates CPU utilization for the Processes, Performance, and Users pages. Task Manager will now use the standard metrics to display CPU workload consistently across all pages and aligning with industry standards and third-party tools.”
Translation: Task Manager will be updated to provide consistent CPU usage measurements.

This update should enhance user experience by delivering accurate insights into CPU load, aiding gamers and power users in monitoring their systems more effectively. If any issues arise with the new metrics, users can still revert to the old CPU calculation method by selecting the ‘CPU Utility’ option in Task Manager.

In addition to the Task Manager fix, the latest update will also implement new accessibility options in File Explorer, and improve how RAM, storage, and graphics are reported in system settings.

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