You Can Imagine Completing Doom: The Dark Ages Without a Gun, But It's No Easy Feat Says the Director

You Can Imagine Completing Doom: The Dark Ages Without a Gun, But It's No Easy Feat Says the Director

A look into the mechanics of Doom: The Dark Ages as the director discusses the potential for gunless completion.

In an engaging discussion with the directors of Doom: The Dark Ages, Hugo Martin and Marty Stratton, the conversation turned to the viability of completing the game without using any firearms.

Hugo Martin stated, “If people could beat Dark Souls with no damage and pistol-only Nightmare runs on [Doom 2016], I’m sure they will figure out how to do it with the shield and the melee, because they are pretty powerful, but you’d have a hard time, that’s for sure.”

Despite the challenging mechanics, Martin believes that there are possibilities for hardcore players. He noted that such a run might be “slightly out of the bounds”, yet achievable for the determined.

For more updates regarding Doom: The Dark Ages, set to launch on May 15, stay tuned for future announcements.

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