Demand for Cheese Naan Surges in Japan Thanks to Monster Hunter

Demand for Cheese Naan Surges in Japan Thanks to Monster Hunter

A new culinary craze in Japan has emerged, inspired by the dishes featured in the popular game Monster Hunter.

A trend has begun in Japan inspired by Capcom’s new action RPG, Monster Hunter Wilds, causing an increase in demand for cheese naan.

In Monster Hunter Wilds, characters dine on delicious meals in Kunafa Village, which are visually similar to Nepali-Japanese cheese naan. This enticing portrayal has sparked a surge in sales for this beloved dish across Japan.

“モンハンのこのシーンで「チーズナン食べたくなるなあ」と思っていたら、日本中で同じこと思ってる人がたくさんいてホッコリしました(笑)。” (I thought to myself “I want to eat cheese naan after seeing this scene in Monster Hunter!” and it turns out many people across Japan feel the same.)

Twitter was abuzz with gamers expressing their cravings for cheese naan, as showcased by reports from Automaton Media.

A Nepalese restaurant in Tokyo, Salam Namaste, welcomed the influx of cheese naan requests, even posting a humorous video of staff reacting to a substantial order:

“深夜にチーズナン99個注文が入った時のサラムナマステ” (When 99 cheese naan orders came in late at night at Salam Namaste.)

Additionally, the restaurant expressed gratitude towards Capcom for boosting their business with this culinary trend. They are even hosting a cheese naan festival to celebrate the surge in popularity!

While there have been performance issues on PC, Monster Hunter Wilds scored a solid 85% on PC Gamer, with reviewer Lincoln Carpenter remarking it as “an action game in a class without contenders.”

With its engaging gameplay and culinary inspirations, Monster Hunter Wilds is not only feeding players’ hunger for adventure but also their physical appetites!

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