Blades of Fire: A New Action Game Inspired by God of War

Blades of Fire: A New Action Game Inspired by God of War

MercurySteam announces Blades of Fire, an action-adventure game coming to PC this May, featuring intense combat and weapon crafting.

MercurySteam has officially unveiled Blades of Fire, a new action-adventure game that draws inspiration from the critically acclaimed God of War series. Set for release on May 22, the game features a main character, Aran de Lira, who battles against an evil queen capable of turning metal into stone, complicating his battles.

Players will encounter 50 different enemy types and will have to utilize a unique combat system focusing on targeting specific body parts of enemies and crafting weapons to enhance their abilities.

Blades of Fire Announce Trailer

Watch the trailer on YouTube.

It appears that Blades of Fire may serve as a spiritual successor to the game Severance: Blade of Darkness, as it shares similar combat mechanics and character designs, making it a title to look forward to in the gaming community.

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