Acclaim's Comeback: Wrestling Legend Jeff Jarrett Joins Their Advisory Board
Gaming Industry

Acclaim's Comeback: Wrestling Legend Jeff Jarrett Joins Their Advisory Board

The iconic 1990s video game publisher, Acclaim, has re-emerged, aiming to support indie developers while bringing back classic franchises.

Acclaim Entertainment, well-known in the 1990s for its significant presence in the video game industry, has made a comeback after being bankrupt in 2004. The company aims to rejuvenate classic game franchises and provide support for indie developers. They are promising resources like funding, marketing, and public relations assistance to indie studios to help realize their creative ambitions.

The renewed Acclaim has formed an advisory board that includes notable figures in the industry such as Russell Binder from Striker Entertainment, Mark Caplan of Ridge Partners, and famous pro wrestler Jeff Jarrett, known for his wrestling persona and involvement in gaming titles related to wrestling.

“Acclaim will provide much-needed resources such as funding, marketing and PR support, giving independent studios the opportunity to bring their creative visions to a broad audience.”
“Acclaim akan memberikan sumber daya yang sangat dibutuhkan seperti pendanaan, pemasaran, dan dukungan PR, memberikan studio independen kesempatan untuk membawa visi kreatif mereka kepada audiens yang luas.”

In this revitalization, Acclaim’s focus is set on resurrecting classic IPs cherished by many players over the years. ‘We’re lucky to have an incredibly talented team and have already signed exciting indie titles, which we’ll announce shortly,’ says CEO Alex Josef, reflecting on Acclaim’s strategic direction.

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