George RR Martin Discusses Potential Elden Ring Movie Amid Writing Delays

George RR Martin Discusses Potential Elden Ring Movie Amid Writing Delays

George RR Martin shares insights about a possible film adaptation of Elden Ring, while expressing his priorities to finish the long-awaited Winds of Winter.

George RR Martin has taken considerable inspiration from historical events in his writing, particularly referencing the eerie Black Dinner of 1440, where two Scottish nobles were arrested and executed. This incident occurred around the time he announced his upcoming book, The Winds of Winter, which has faced numerous delays since its initial expected release.

While focusing on Winds, Martin also contributed to the backstory of Elden Ring in collaboration with FromSoftware’s Hidetaka Miyazaki. Recently, during an interview with IGN, he shared that discussions regarding a potential movie adaptation of Elden Ring are underway.

Quote: “Well, I can’t say too much about it, but there is some talk about making a movie out of Elden Ring. We’ll see if that comes to pass.”

Martin acknowledged his significant workload with Winds of Winter, acknowledging his ongoing struggle to finish it, stating, “I’m a few years behind with my latest book, so that also limits the amount of things that I can do.” The enormity of Martin’s ASOIAF universe often complicates the conclusion of the series, resulting in considerable pressure from fans.

However, the prospect of an Elden Ring movie remains enticing, especially if Martin can finally complete his longstanding literary project. Miyazaki has expressed openness to the idea, indicating that a strong partnership would be essential to bring this vision to life.

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