Today’s Wordle Hint and Answer for February 21
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Here’s a clue for today’s Wordle. The answer for February 21 (1343) is revealed.
If there were medals for missing the answer, I’d have a gold one hanging around my neck right now. Every guess was perfectly picked - a model of Wordle excellence. However, every guess was also wrong, leading from funny to frustrated to borderline panic when I had just one chance left. Still, the relief I felt at the end, five green letters finally showing up—worth it.
Today’s Wordle Hint
This small dried bud is a spice that can be used ground or whole. The same word can also refer to a segment of garlic too.
Today’s Wordle Answer
The answer for February 21 (1343) is CLOVE.
Previous Wordle Answers
Here are the last ten answers:
- February 20: ROACH
- February 19: MADLY
- February 18: INDIE
- February 17: TRAIL
- February 16: SUAVE
- February 15: CROOK
- February 14: DITTY
- February 13: RUMBA
- February 12: RAPID
- February 11: SCORE
Wordle originated as a surprise for a word game enthusiast and has since evolved into a worldwide sensation.