CI Games Rejects Social and Political Themes in New Releases
Gaming Industry/Politics in Gaming

CI Games Rejects Social and Political Themes in New Releases

CI Games' global marketing director emphasizes a focus on traditional gaming values while disregarding modern social issues in game development.

CI Games has taken a firm stance, declaring that it will not incorporate any social or political agendas in its games. According to their global marketing director, Ryan Hill, this decision is influenced by the belief that inclusive titles are at a high risk of commercial failure.

During a recent investor meeting (via Strefa Inwestorów), Hill stated, “Our games will always be developed to maximize player enjoyment and commercial success.” He went on to explain that the company aims for a great user experience with engaging themes and characters designed especially for their core audience.

Hill criticized other games that integrate social issues, claiming it negatively affects performance. He pointed out that several titles have underperformed due to this approach over the last year alone.

His remarks starkly contrast with those from CD Projekt, the studio behind the Witcher series, where CEO Adam Kiciński advocates for a diverse perspective in gaming, believing it fosters creativity and innovation.

Later, Marek Tymiński reiterated CI Games’ commitment to avoiding any DEI elements, a stance that has sparked significant discussion in the gaming community.

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